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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Peace & Love

peace and love. black ink pen drawing from winter 2009. still one of my favorite pieces of mine  :)
flavoratio. My new & favorite word. no spaces. one r. one word. FLAVORATIO: the ratio of flavor within a taste. the dynamic reactive creation of accentuating and objecting flavors. rated on a scale similar to acidity, except radial. not a flat surface*, but a spherical ellipse if you will.
all flavors meeting at the epicenter: absolute flavoratio.
…Zero through infinite, and beyond a buzz or any lightyear.
(the proportionally positive flavor utopia that is

*props to chris for daring to fall off the edge of the earth. i bet you were rad.

a pocket Made of sunshine colored butterflies :)

^ i did it! i made my first pocket  :)
i found a couple of old shirts that i no longer wear, and will now wear remixed into a lovely yellow butterfly pocket...i guess improvising works with sewing too. poundPOW!